City Council 6-25-24

Open Agenda

Call to Order 00:00:56

Public Participation 00:01:01

Citation: Giving the Glam 00:10:40

A citation recognizing Giving the Glam non-profit for their support of students in Framingham.

Proclamation: Dr. David W. Moore 00:13:33

A joint proclamation honoring the service of Dr. David W. Moore to the Board of Health

Report of the Mayor 00:20:32

Update with Police Chief Baker 01:06:14

Update on School Bus Violence 01:28:54

A request by the Council Chair that Superintendent of Schools Robert Tremblay provide an update pertaining to the most recent violence on a middle school bus.

Order 2024-040 01:40:30

Grant of Location request, pole on Brook Street.

Order 2024-041 01:41:13

Upon Request of the Licensing Coordinator, an application to consider a Second-hand Articles, Junk, Old Metals License for National Rarities, LLC at 92 Worcester Road

Order 2023-103-001 01:41:47

Upon request of the Finance Subcommittee, recommendation regarding the FY2025-FY2030 Recommended Capital Improvement Plan. SECOND READING

Order 2024-024-002 01:47:29

Upon request of the Finance Subcommittee, a recommendation regarding approval of affordable rents and affordable unit income limits for Bancroft Lofts, Union House, and Mill Creek apartments.

Order 2024-031-001 01:53:29

Upon the request of the Finance Subcommittee, recommendation regarding the acceptance of FY25 CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) Federal Funding Allocation.

Order 2024-038-001 02:00:22

Upon Request of the Finance Subcommittee, a recommendation regarding a proposed Prevention and Outreach Specialist position for the Health Department.

Order 2024-039-001 02:02:04

Upon request of the Finance Subcommittee, a recommendation regarding Reservation of FY2025 Community Preservation Funds.

Order 2024-033-001 02:03:33

Upon request of the Finance Subcommittee, recommendation regarding payment of unpaid bills of a prior fiscal year incurred by city and school departments.

Referrals to the Appointments Subcommittee 02:03:56

Referral to the Appointments Subcommittee of nominees for the following boards: East Middlesex Mosquito Control Commission; Board of Health; Disability Commission; Conservation Commission; Historical Commission; Historic District Commission; South Middlesex Regional Vocational School Committee (Keefe Tech); Sustainability Committee; Zoning Board of Appeals.

Order 2024-042 02:08:29

Upon request of the Charter Review Committee, a referral to the Rules, Ordinances and Ethics Subcommittee the Final Charter Review Report with Recommendations.

Approval of Minutes 02:08:41

Report of the Council Chair 02:09:08

Reports of Subcommittees 02:11:36

Reports of Councilors 02:16:46