A citation recognizing Giving the Glam non-profit for their support of students in Framingham.
A joint proclamation honoring the service of Dr. David W. Moore to the Board of Health
A request by the Council Chair that Superintendent of Schools Robert Tremblay provide an update pertaining to the most recent violence on a middle school bus.
Grant of Location request, pole on Brook Street.
Upon Request of the Licensing Coordinator, an application to consider a Second-hand Articles, Junk, Old Metals License for National Rarities, LLC at 92 Worcester Road
Upon request of the Finance Subcommittee, recommendation regarding the FY2025-FY2030 Recommended Capital Improvement Plan. SECOND READING
Upon request of the Finance Subcommittee, a recommendation regarding approval of affordable rents and affordable unit income limits for Bancroft Lofts, Union House, and Mill Creek apartments.
Upon the request of the Finance Subcommittee, recommendation regarding the acceptance of FY25 CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) Federal Funding Allocation.
Upon Request of the Finance Subcommittee, a recommendation regarding a proposed Prevention and Outreach Specialist position for the Health Department.
Upon request of the Finance Subcommittee, a recommendation regarding Reservation of FY2025 Community Preservation Funds.
Upon request of the Finance Subcommittee, recommendation regarding payment of unpaid bills of a prior fiscal year incurred by city and school departments.
Referral to the Appointments Subcommittee of nominees for the following boards: East Middlesex Mosquito Control Commission; Board of Health; Disability Commission; Conservation Commission; Historical Commission; Historic District Commission; South Middlesex Regional Vocational School Committee (Keefe Tech); Sustainability Committee; Zoning Board of Appeals.
Upon request of the Charter Review Committee, a referral to the Rules, Ordinances and Ethics Subcommittee the Final Charter Review Report with Recommendations.