P. Patel, LLC., D: 8, Z: B (SM, TC, LY; AS alt) — Variance and a Finding for proposed second and third floor residential as well as to expand the retail space on the first floor by 420 square feet. Finding required for an extension/alteration of lawful pre-existing non-conforming commercial structure Variance required for FAR exceeding maximum allowed Decision Deadline: July 19, 2024. (Applicant has requested to continuance to the July 10th meeting)
Dean Tzellas, D: 6, Z: B — Special Permit to allow the construction of a two-family dwelling on a new lot to be created within the “B” zone. Decision Deadline: 90 days from close of hearing.
Lucas Santos (Blue Pool Inc.), D: 3, Z: R-3 — Variance and a Finding to allow the construction of a 16’x30’ inground pool. Variances required for side and rear setback requirements. Finding required for extension of pre-existing non-conforming lot coverage. Decision Deadline: August 23, 2024