Continued public hearing for Application of Rosa Barroso, for a Special Permit Request for Reduction in Off-Street Parking. The applicant is requesting a reduction in off-street parking for the purpose of conducting business as a hair salon. (The applicant has requested a continuance)
Application of Blue Oak Angels LLC, for Minor Site Plan Review/Marijuana Product Manufacturing. The applicant is proposing Marijuana Product Manufacturing within an existing multi-tenant building.
Application of 63 & 75 Fountain Framingham Manager LLC, for Special Permit Multifamily >30,000 ft², Special Permit Land Disturbance & Stormwater Management, Major Site Plan Review, Waiver by Special Permit residential composition less than 20% units <600 ft², Special Permit relief from minimum parking stall dimensions, Special Permit mixed use building >30,000 ft², Waiver by Special Permit separation residential/non-residential, Special Permit mixed use complex >30,000 ft². The proposed project involves a two-phase construction of a mixed-use complex, including a multi-family residential development, café, community/gallery space, and expansion of the existing daycare. The first phase would include demolition of the existing building at 75 Fountain Street and construction of a 211-unit residential building including two levels of garage parking and five levels of residential and amenity space. The second phase would include the renovation of the existing building at 63 Fountain Street into 39 loft-style units.
Eastleigh Farms — Pre-application Submission, Agricultural Preservation Development