School Committee 5-1-24

Open Agenda

Call to Order 00:00:56

Public Comment 00:02:43

Announcements from the Chair 00:03:30

Student Advisory Committee Remarks 00:04:18

Superintendent's Update 00:07:02

A. MASC/MASS Joint Conference Proposal — B. Announcements

Strategic Plan Presentation: Finance and Operations 00:10:35

Executive Director of Finance & Operations Update 00:35:49

A. FY24 Operating and Capital Budgets — B. FY25 Operating Budget

Set Process to Annually Evaluate the Superintendent by the End of June 00:40:53

Nominations for the MA Association of School Committee’s Awards and Resolutions 00:42:14

Advertise for the School Committee’s Upcoming Appointment to the Strategic Initiatives and Financial Oversight Committee 00:47:22

Subcommittee Reports 00:49:09

Approval of Gifts, Field Trips & Minutes 00:49:45