City Council 9-5-23

Open Agenda

Call to Order 00:00:56

Public Participation 00:05:38

Joint Proclamation 00:17:42

A joint proclamation recognizing September 10-16th as Suicide Prevention Week

Joint Meeting with School Committee 00:24:10

Upon request of the Framingham School Committee, a joint vote to appoint one member to fill the District 1 School Committee vacancy. Applicants: Michael Conley, Richardo (Rich) Robles, Jillian Kaplan, and Camilla Wilson

Order 2023-084 00:34:46

Upon Request of the Licensing Coordinator, an application to consider a Second-hand Articles, Junk, Old Metals License for National Rarities, LLC at 92 Worcester Road

Order 2023-008-067 00:36:12

Upon request of the Appointments Subcommittee, recommendation regarding the Mayor's appointment of Eric Volkin to the Cultural Council.

Order 2023-028-001 00:37:06

Upon request of Eversource, an amendment to the geothermal agreement at Concord Street.

Report of the Mayor 00:38:13

Order 2023-085 01:02:45

Upon request of the Finance Subcommittee, recommendation to accept a FEMA grant for a mobile air compressor in the amount of $126,000 and request for an appropriation of $27,000 to supplement grant funding the purchase the air compressor.

Order 2023-053 01:05:22

Recommendation of the Ordinance and Rules Subcommittee, a possible policy pertaining to flag raising. SECOND READING

Order 2023-043-001 01:06:53

Upon request of the Ordinance and Rules Subcommittee, a recommendation regarding changes to the composition of the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Trails Committee, including a member selected via the Conservation Commission and shifting a youth council referral to a youth member. SECOND READING

Order 2023-086 01:08:31

Upon request of the Finance Subcommittee, recommendation regarding ARPA funds for purchase of property to construct a recreational center.

Order 2023-072-001 01:10:55

Upon request of the Finance Subcommittee, recommendation regarding the matter regarding 84 Walnut Street. FIRST READING

Order 2023-085 (continued) 01:12:56

Upon request of the Finance Subcommittee, recommendation to accept a FEMA grant for a mobile air compressor in the amount of $126,000 and request for an appropriation of $27,000 to supplement grant funding the purchase the air compressor.

Order 2022-043-003 01:14:50

Upon request of the Finance Subcommittee, a recommendation regarding an Order of Taking and an appropriation for a parcel of land on Bethany Road for municipal building construction and infrastructure purposes and appropriation of award of damages relating thereto. FIRST READING

Order 2023-079-001 01:20:55

Upon request of the Finance Subcommittee, recommendation regarding the matter regarding a transfer of funds, $40,000 from FY24 Accounting Salary to FY24 Accounting Expenses.

Order 2023-080-001 01:21:44

Upon request of the Finance Subcommittee, recommendation regarding the matter of Opioid Grant Funding. FIRST READING

Order 2023-081-001 01:25:22

Upon request of the Finance Subcommittee, recommendation regarding a supplemental appropriation for the Arlington Park project. FIRST READING

Order 2023-008-068 01:26:40

Upon request of the Mayor, referral to the Appointments Subcommittee reappointment of James Paolini as Director of Facilities Management

Order 2023-008-069 01:26:49

Upon request of the Mayor, referral to the Appointments Subcommittee the appointment of Kathleen Mello- D4, to the Cultural Council.

Order 2023-008-071 01:26:56

Upon request of the Mayor, referral to the Appointment Subcommittee the reappointment of 3 members to the Framingham Historical Commission: F. Wallace- D1, L. Damianos-D2, and S. Kennedy- D4.

Order 2023-008-072 01:27:07

Upon request of the Mayor, referral to the Appointments Subcommittee the reappointment and appointment of members to the Council on Aging: C. Dottin- D1 and L. Castrillon-D3.

Order 2023-089 01:27:17

Upon request of Councilor Stefanini, referral to the Ordinance, Rules and Coordination Subcommittee the matter regarding a fertilizer ban ordinance.

Order 2023-087 01:27:28

Upon request of the Mayor, referral to the Finance Subcommittee an appropriation for an audit of the Technology Services Department.

Order 2023-088 01:27:38

Upon request of the Mayor, a referral to the Finance Subcommittee approval of a 5- year contract for tasers for the Police Department.

Report of the Council Chair 01:27:50

Reports of Subcommittees 01:28:47

Reports of Councilors 01:29:39