Announcements from the Chair 00:17:29
Superintendent's Update 00:25:25
Presentation on Start Time Study Report with TransPar 00:34:08
Interviews with Applicants for Dist. 1 School Committee Vacancy 01:21:59
The Applicants are Matthew Calder, Michael Conley, Ricardo (Rich) Robles,
Jillian Kaplan, Camilla Wilson.
Vote on Superintendent's Proposed 2023-24 School Year Goals 02:23:23
Executive Director of Finance & Operations Update 02:40:20
A. FY23 Operating and Capital Budget —
B. FY24 Operating and Capital Budgets —
C. Transportation Update
Transition Planning for 2024-25 School Committee 03:04:14
Advertising Procees to Seek Applicants for Appointment to Charter Review Committee 03:07:36
Appoint School Committee/FPS Liaisons to TEC Collaborative 03:16:17
Subcommittee Reports 03:18:43
A. Finance and Operations (Including Bills & Payroll) —
B. Policy* —
C. Building and Grounds* —
D. Teaching and Learning* —
E. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion* —
F. Health and Wellness* —
G. Climate Change, Environment and Sustainability*
Approval of Gifts & Minutes 03:23:15